BGCEC Re-Openings

May 29, 2020                                                                                                 

Dear Parents and Families,

We are pleased to announce that we will be re-opening two of our facilities (Santee & La Mesa), in a limited capacity, for our families on Monday June 15th.  Families of current members will have first priority.  If space is available, new families will then have an opportunity to enroll on a first come-first serve basis.  Weekly fees are $94 and include breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack.

Membership and camp sign-ups will take place at our Santee location starting June 8th, from 10:30am-5pm.  Please note that at this time, the only way to secure a spot in one of our camps is to pay for membership AND camp.  Due to current restrictions, we will not be allowing drop-in at this time.

Effective June 15th and for the foreseeable future, we will be taking extra precautions to support the health and safety of your children, your family and our staff.

Please take note of the following changes to our policies and procedures:

Check-In and Pick-Up

  • Families will be met at the door, where a staff member will greet your child(ren). Parents and other family members will NOT be allowed inside the Clubhouse. Prior to parents leaving, a staff member will take the temperature of your child(ren) and ask you the following questions:
    • Do you live with anyone or have you had close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 14 days.
    • Do you or anyone in your household have a fever, cough and/or shortness of breath
    • Do you or your child(ren) have any other signs of communicable illness such as a cold or flu?
  • When children are dropped off, they will be escorted to the nearest hand washing station, prior to entering the programming space. In addition, children and staff will be required to wash their hands hourly while in our care
  • Upon your arrival to pick up your child, a staff member will bring your child out to you. This allows us to limit direct contact and maintain social distancing.

Healthy Environment

  • Children will be separated into smaller groups, according to state/local guidelines.
  • Equipment will not be shared, and will be cleaned in between use.
  • The groups will remain separated to reduce the number of children in one area, and to reduce the possibility of viral transmission.
  • Staff will disinfect high-touch surfaces, such as door handles, light switches, faucets, toys and games that children play with at least once daily.
  • An enhanced deep-cleaning will be done every night as well as having the clubhouse professionally dis-infected weekly.
  • Staff will have access to hand-sanitizer and disposable gloves and will use them as needed.
  • No Clubhouse tours will be given to reduce the number of visitors entering the Clubhouse.

Meal Preparations and Service

  • All meals will be provided by the Club (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack). No outside food will be allowed in the Club. 
  • All surfaces will be disinfected before meal preparation and feeding using CDC or EPA approved products.
  • All staff will wash hands before and after meal preparation and feeding.

Child Health

  • Staff has received education on COVID-19 symptoms as well as preventive measures.
  • Children who start to experience symptoms of respiratory illness, including a fever of >100.4 while in our care will be isolated from other children until they can be picked up.
  • All fieldtrips are suspended until further notice.

Staff Health & Wellness

  • Staff will not share their phone, devices, meals or utensils with one another or children.
  • Staff will check their temperature at the beginning of each shift and will notify their supervisor if >100.4 as well as self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and notify their supervisor if any develop.
  • Staff will wash hands immediately upon entering the program and immediately prior to leaving.
  • Staff will not be allowed to work if they are feeling ill or experiencing respiratory symptoms.


  • $94/Week (financial assistance available)
  • Payments must be made by Friday, on the week prior to service
  • As long as we are open and your child is in attendance, fees will be due in full. This includes if we are only open for a portion of a week and need to close for the remainder of the week.
  • Space is limited


  • If the current situation changes and it becomes necessary to update our procedures or close our program temporarily, we will notify key family contact by phone or email. Please make sure you have an active/ accurate email address on file.

Thank you for your understanding and patience as we implement these new procedures.  Our goal is to minimize disruption while at the same time keep you, your family and our staff healthy and well.  We are excited to be back and look forward to providing a fun summer for your kids!



Brandie Warren

Director of Operations

Boys and Girls Clubs of East County